
This company was established in 1992 with the aim of meeting the needs of melting and casting industries from special refractory materials and parts and started its first industrial activities with the production of precast shapes and reconstruction of sliding gate plates of Mobarakeh steel ladles.


Palar Sanat Knowledge base Company was established in 1992 with the aim of producing special refractories and prefabricated and shapeless shapes, as well as localizing the world's most advanced technologies in the steel industry in Isfahan. This Company is the first mass producer of special refractory molds, prefabricated molds and all alumina casting materials in Iran.

Activity history

  • 1992 Production of duct sand
  • 1993 Production of Well Block Patil           
  • 1993 Production of Argon Lance                
  • 1994 Reconstruction of slidegate plates     
  • 1996 Production of slidegate plates          
  • 2005 Production of The first roof of the monolithic arch furnace
  • 2010 Production of Slide gate mortar
  • 2011 Production of different types of Prous plug

The products of this company

Why Palar Sanat products?

For a continuous safety during melting

Internal and local design of parts based on customer order and map and declarative analysis
Based on about 30 years of scientific, research and practical experience in the field of supervision, production and consumption of refractory products of the steel industry.
Considering the need to produce refractory parts of melting pots from high-quality raw materials and processed with high purity, the strategic products of this company are the reliable knowledge base of the steel industry.
Providing expert advice before, during and after selling the product

Expert consultations before and after the sale of the product

Benefiting from the world's latest technologies in the production of refractory products of this company


Our priority is customer satisfaction.

Consent declared
Completed projects
1 T/year
Production capacity per year
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